Summer MAsterClass

10 August 2024 11 AM

Are you between 16 and 18 years old? Have you finished your vocational school but are still searching for that perfect job opportunity? We’ve got your back and we want to help!

This year, at the Acosta Dance Centre, our Acosta Advanced Training Hub +18 programme has achieved a whopping 97% success rate in securing jobs for our participants! And guess what? We’re thrilled to announce that starting September 2024, we’re expanding this programme into our brand-new Acosta Advanced Training Hub +16.

If you would like to take part in it, then why not join us for a one-time only MasterClass with the extraordinary Mariana Gomes? You will also have the opportunity to find out more about the +16 journey, where we’ll complete your training and immerse you in an exciting, dynamic environment. You’ll be part of a vibrant hub that blends ballet, Cuban technique, and contemporary dance training. Not only will you be able to work alongside our pre-professional AATH+18 cohort, gaining key insights into the next steps of your career, but you’ll also dance alongside the sensational Acosta Danza and Acosta Danza Junior company!



29 30 August 2024

Born in Tokyo, Miyu started dancing at the age of eight and is a world-class house dancer with numerous domestic and international battle titles to her name, including World Champion of the world’s most prestigious battle competition, “JUSTE DEBOUT 2017 WORLD FINAL,” at the age of 19. Her grooves, as if she is playing music with her light and flexible steps, and her radiant smile, brimming with love for dance, captivate many people all over the world. She is also active in various fields, such as workshops and lectures at educational and public events, fashion modeling, advertising, and media appearances, aiming to elevate dancers’ social status.

東京生まれ。8歳からダンスを始め、弱冠19歳で世界最高峰のバトル大会「JUSTE DEBOUT 2017 WORLD FINAL」のワールドチャンピオンに輝くなど、国内外のバトルで多数のタイトルを持つ世界的ハウスダンサー。 軽やかでしなやかなステップで音楽を奏でるかのようなグルーヴとダンス愛に溢れたとびきりの笑顔は、世界中の多くの人々を魅了している。 さらにダンサーの社会的な地位向上のため、教育現場・公共イベントでのワークショップや講演、ファッションモデルや広告出演、メディア出演など、様々な分野で活躍中。

1st Year Anniversary Fundraising Gala

Acosta Dance Centre

7 October 2024. 7 - 11PM
Get ready to enjoy a dazzling night at the Acosta Dance Centre as we take you on a multi-sensory journey to experience the sights, sounds, and tastes of Cuba, all while celebrating what we have been able to achieve in the past year with the unyielding support of our dedicated donors.
Let the Acosta Dance Foundation team and Carlos Acosta give you a taste of Cuban hospitality with Cuban-inspired dishes, delectable drinks, and sensational live music.
Performances will include Acosta Danza Yunior (Comprising of recent graduates from the Acosta Danza Academy in Cuba), the mighty Luanda Pau with an Afro-Cuban piece crafted especially for this event, and Latin Grammy-award winner and Olivier Award nominee Hammadi Rencurell Valdes with his band.
Martha Graham

Masterclass & Scholarship Audition

Masterclass 23-26 Oct
Scholarship Audition 27 Oct

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Martha Graham Masterclass at the Acosta Dance Center from October 23rd to 26th, 2024, led by distinguished faculty member Penny Diamantopoulou and alumna Aleth Berenice. Dive into the Martha Graham Technique™, explore Graham Repertoire, and unleash your choreographic creativity.

Additionally, join us on October 27th for our scholarship auditions for the Martha Graham School Winter Intensive in New York, with sessions on Technique, Repertoire, and creative practice. Scholarships will be announced on the same day. Don’t miss this unique opportunity


ALAFIA 2025 - July 11-13


Get ready for the biggest Afro-Cuban dance festival in the UK. Tickets will be available starting 1st August, so mark your calendars and don’t miss out. This year’s second edition promises to be even bigger and better, offering an unforgettable experience filled with vibrant performances, workshops, and cultural celebrations. Join us for a spectacular celebration of Afro-Cuban dance and culture!



An international reference for dance. The Acosta Dance Centre is a network for dance-creative practitioners, industry professionals and the community with dance-related interests. We are a destination for dance education and workshops. We allow international dance encounters and other related cultural events, emphasising the development of young people’s creativity and talent through dance and a direct engagement with boys, girls, and young men & women from disadvantaged backgrounds. We provide a multifaceted, unique approach by bridging dance and community engagement gaps. We bring the Cuban cultural and ‘dancistic’ legacy as an intangible manifestation of our identity, continuity, respect, diversity, and creativity. 



dancing by your side


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  • £15/Month

  • Save 5% on One Payment of £170/Yearly

ADC in Motion

upcoming workshops & Intensives


Martha Graham


Anouk VanDijk

Flamenco Summer Intensive


Flying Low

David Zambrano


where to find us

less than 20 mins from covent garden