Strength and Mobility Class


SKU: SAMCCD6 Category:


Hear from Chloe Doige: 

Dance was my first introduction to fitness, so I have always enjoyed having awareness around the movement of my body

When it comes to fitness, flexibility and mobility training is hugely important for the health and recovery of the body, yet people tend to lack the knowledge and totally overlook it. This is something I have continually recognized when working with clients and in gyms. Mobility training is not just for dancers and athletes, but for everyone. A lot of people don’t have the confidence to start training or try something new, my classes help build a relationship with the body and mind to create a healthy and happy foundation to all movement.  


About the Class: 

In my class we will be using three different variations of stretching- static stretches, dynamic stretches and active stretches.  

We will be working with body weight exercises and use resistance bands, blocks, exercise balls, weights etc, to work on actively engaging the stretches to help build strength around each movement. I understand that weights may not be a suitable piece of equipment in your studios because of the wooden floor, this is absolutely fine as they aren’t a vital piece of equipment, but a great extra where possible 

Each class will have a main focus area of mobility, for example hips focused, but will include exercises that work on the full body. The warm up and strength circuit will incorporate movements that work on all areas to prepare the body.  



C: DYNAMIC STRETCH CIRCUIT (15 MINUTE) – Stretching with movement 

D: ACTIVE STRETCH CIRCUIT (20 MINUTE) – Stretching with resistance (muscles engaged in the stretch) 

E: PASSIVE STRETCHING (10 MINUTE) – Holding a static position, allowing your body to relax into the stretch 


Join us this Wednesday to Empower your body and Elevate your movement in Chloe’s Strength and Mobility Class! 

Additional information


Day of the week

